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Transcriptomic and methylomic analyses provide insights into the molecular mechanism and prediction of heterosis in rice

时间:2023-09-01 16:07 来源:本网 【字体:

Chongyun Fu†, Ce Ma, Manshan Zhu, Wuge Liu, Xiaozhi Ma, Jinhua Li, Yilong Liao, Dilin Liu, Xiaofeng Gu*, Haiyang Wang*, Feng Wang*

The Plant Journal


Heterosis has been widely used in multiple crops. However, the molecular mechanism and prediction of heterosis remains elusive. We generated five F1 hybrids [four showing better-parent heterosis (BPH) and one showing mid-parent heterosis], and performed the transcriptomic and methylomic analyses to identify the candidate genes for BPH and explore the molecular mechanism of heterosis and the potential predictors for heterosis. Transcriptomic results showed that most of the differentially expressed genes shared in the four better-parent hybrids were significantly enriched into the terms of molecular function, and the additive and dominant effects played crucial roles for BPH. DNA methylation level, especially in CG context, significantly and positively correlated with grain yield per plant. The ratios of differentially methylated regions in CG context in exons to transcription start sites between the parents exhibited significantly negative correlation with the heterosis levels of their hybrids, as was further confirmed in 24 pairwise comparisons of other rice lines, implying that this ratio could be a feasible predictor for heterosis level, and this ratio of less than 5 between parents in early growth stages might be a critical index for judging that their F1 hybrids would show BPH. Additionally, we identified some important genes showing differential expression and methylation, such as OsDCL2, Pi5, DTH2, DTH8, Hd1 and GLW7 in the four better-parent hybrids as the candidate genes for BPH. Our findings helped shed more light on the molecular mechanism and heterosis prediction.

Keywords: indica rice, heterosis, prediction, transcriptome, methylome.

附件:Transcriptomic and methylomic analyses provide insights into the molecular mechanism and prediction of heterosis in rice.pdf

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